These are some of the best perennials for Canada.
As spring approaches get inspired by these ten brilliant perennials varieties you can plant in your own yard. Like roses and peonies, perennials are a magnificent attraction and investment to any garden, and we have a few ways to help you care for them.
These flamboyant, colorful plants yield gorgeous blooms from midsummer through autumn, year after year. They are considered a tender perennial in cold regions; take care of them by digging up and storing their tubers indoors until spring. Winter hardy in planting zones 8 to 11.
Day lilies
Day lilies are considered the easiest to grow and most exquisite in shape and color. These perennials flower best when planted in full sun (6 hours/day), and tolerant to most soil conditions. They can be mulched in late fall, and dead foliage removed in spring. Winter hardy in planting zones 3 to 9.
Hope you love to sign, because these attractive beauties lure in the humming birds. They can reach heights of up to 5 feet tall, and make great back row flower borders. They bloom in full sun, partial sun, or partial shade, and grow best in well-draining, loamy soil. An irrigation timer is best for these plants as their roots are susceptible to rot. Start planting indoors, early spring. They should hit peak-bloom late summer, flowering again the following spring. Winter hardy in planting zones 4 to 10.
These bold, lush blooms are a classic. Pleasantly easy to manage. The best time to plant hydrangeas is when temperatures are mild in spring and fall in areas where they'll receive 5-6 hours of morning sun. Soil should be loamy, sand and silt with a bit of clay, extra heap of mulch for cooler climates. Winter hardy in planting zone 3.
These beautiful, unmistakable flowers are the mainstays in all gardens, blooming in spring and lasting through early summer. Plant irises in mid to late summer. Do not plant too deeply, 4" deep, 10" diameter, no mulch until winter, then remove in spring. Keep soil moist, nut not soaked. Winter hardy in planting zone 5.
These strikingly breathtaking plants stand straight up, nearly 4 feet tall. They do not require a lot of care, give them a sunny spot, lots of water in well drained soil and be prepared to be captured by their stunning beauty year after year. Add them to any garden. Winter hardy in planting zones 3-7.
Sweetly fragrant of lemons or enticing citrus, Peonies love the heat, full sun, nutrient-rich and well-drained soil. Depending on the variety, these plants grow 4-7 feet tall, 4-5 feet wide. They do not like root competition, so plant them far from trees and shrubs. With proper care, peonies should flower for decades. Winter hardy in planting zones 2-8.
Not all Poppies are perennials, Oriental Poppies are. Grown outdoors in the fall or winter, exposed to full sun with well-draining clay soil. They have a relatively short bloom-span, so plant in between larger plants. These beauties thrive in cooler climates and go dormant around mid-summer. Winter hardy in planting zones 3-9.
Purple Coneflower
These gorgeous spiky flowers are drought tolerant and don't complain about their soil conditions. Thriving in full sun, and producing lots of flowers, they attract all pollinators, making them the most ideal in any garden. No need for special fertilizers, simply prune in fall and watch them blossom again in spring. Winter hardy in planting zone 7.
For the best show of flowers, rose bushes should receive 6-8 hours of sunlight daily. In cold climates, planting a rose bush next to a south- or west-facing fence or wall can help minimize winter freeze damage. Feed often with slow-release fertilizers. Winter hardy in planting zone 4-5.